Sunday, November 1, 2009

Rub-A-Dub-Dub...Connor's In The Tub!

We love bath time in the Pieszak household!  I'm proud to say that Ryan has taught Connor how to clean up when he's all done. Wow huh! Who would have thunk it that we'd have an anal-retentive son!? When he's all done, without even prodding, he'll put all of his toys back in the bin and sign "all done".

 Connor likes to line up all of his toys so they face the same direction

Thanks to Ryan, the cleaning up has continued when he's out of the tub as well. He'll dump out all of his blocks and then clean up. And at music class, he'll pick up al of the instruments and put them away, and try to hand the bin to the teacher : ) Great job Dada!!

One of his favorite bath toys!

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